Fantasy University Wiki

Completely Failed Experiments!!![]

Glass of Milk + Ordinary Chocolate Bar = Delicious Snack!

Lonesome Banana + Banana Phone + Huge Melons = Titalating Fruity Phone Sex!

Rotting Hoof + (DECONSTRUCTION!) = Rotting Glue

-Taken from a Journal Entry

March 3rd, 2011 SF, percipitation and falling barometric pressure

19:35 PST

With hiden forbrooding I seized to act upon the horrible notion that struck me; I set my focusai to the physical tasks at hand, continually denying the whispers of madness my actions implied. One look into that abyss and i knew I would not be able to return.. I had things to do. Each individual ingredient in my inventory must be revaluated.

Instant Gelatin Powder + Overpriced Bottle of Water = Gelatin Instantly

Instant Gelatin Powder + DOTHMBW = !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I sense many more failed experiments are destined to follow...
